Rehoboth and three local CRC churches in Clarington are dedicated to providing practical help for those in need.  This support could be for people within our church or individuals in our community who approach us for assistance; those with lower incomes, widows, single parents, disabled individuals and seniors. 

Volunteers can offer a wide range of skills, from carpentry to pet care, babysitting, minor plumbing and electrical, and more, while ensuring we keep our projects accessible and affordable. 

We will not take on any tasks that require licensed professionals (e.g., plumbing, electrical beyond minor fixes) or anything that requires a permit to minimize risks. We will not do things like regular snow shovelling, lawn maintenance, major construction or hazardous work.

Looking for help? Please complete the form and let us know how we can assist you!

I would love to volunteer!

We invite you to work with us to volunteer your skills as we work together to uplift and support one another.

We appreciate your willingness to contribute your skills and make a difference. Please fill in the form to get started and join our community of dedicated volunteers. Your support means a lot to us!